This time last year, I decided to give notice to my previous employer and started to think about what I was going to do next.

In my early months at hireVouch, I had one question asked of me several times - “How did you decide you wanted to get into recruiting?” Recruitment was not a linear step for me - in fact, it was actually a big change! At first, the answer to why I decided on this direction didn’t come easily, but the more I thought about it and the more I was asked, I realized what exactly it was about recruiting that had appealed to me back when I decided to make a change.
Building Relationships
Relationship building was always an answer that came first to me when asked why I decided to get into recruitment, and being at a company like hireVouch that emphasizes the importance of relationships has especially clarified that for me. In my previous career, building relationships and connections was so important, and it was also the part of the job I enjoyed most. In recruitment, I’ve found that building relationships with candidates is a central part of the job as well - it allows me to not only understand the skills and qualifications that a candidate would bring to a potential opportunity, but also understand what they’re looking for and what concerns they have so that I can match them with opportunities that they’re going to love.
Helping Others Succeed
One of my favourite parts about my previous job was helping my team succeed, and I’ve found that to be true in recruitment as well. I enjoy everything from helping candidates with their resume to helping them prepare for interviews to providing them with feedback when things don’t go as well. There are many parts of recruitment that allow me to help others succeed. Applying for jobs can definitely be a stressful time and it’s a feeling I knew all too well myself. Doing what I can to help others be successful during a trying process, even if it’s something as small as providing additional information on the company they’re interviewing with or providing tips on how to answer common interview questions, is something that I truly enjoy doing.
Continual Learning
Learning new things is something that I’ve always loved. A job in tech recruitment has definitely allowed me, and required me, to expand my knowledge. Searching for, finding, and having conversations with experienced candidates has meant that I had to step outside of my comfort zone and learn about something that I had never really thought about before - technology. I’m certainly no expert, but I’ve found that learning about the tech industry and technology itself has been really interesting. Every time I work on a new opportunity or speak to a new candidate, I learn something, and that has been really rewarding in and of itself.
Overall, I have no doubt that recruitment was the right step for me! If changing career paths is something that you’ve been considering, I highly recommend thinking about what it is about your job right now that appeals to you the most, and searching for other opportunities that match that. I know it can be a bit overwhelming to think about starting something new but focusing on what it is that you love to do is a great starting point!
If you are looking for a job in the world of tech, follow us on LinkedIn and check out the job openings we are currently recruiting for.